Can you measure leader effectiveness?

Can you measure leader effectiveness?

One way to measure the effectiveness of a sales team is to look at the sales numbers. One way to measure the effectiveness of the sales leader is to look at the effectiveness of the team. One advantage the sales team has when it comes to measuring effectiveness is...

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Words Have Power

Words Have Power

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” ― Proverbs 18:21 “If you do not have control over your mouth, you will not have control over your future.” ― Germany Kent, American journalist "Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder,...

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Resilience: The Secret Sauce of Success

Resilience: The Secret Sauce of Success

Being a leader has its ups and downs. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Mostly you’re exhausted, and if you do it right, you’re also exhilarated. But this rollercoaster ride can take its toll on you physically, mentally and emotionally. Added to this stress are...

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How to avoid critical mistakes when communicating change

How to avoid critical mistakes when communicating change

As a leader, you know full well the challenges of implementing change at work. Inexplicably, small changes that seem inconsequential can elicit the most resistance. This can cause us to fear the larger changes, and cause us to make matters worse. There is a way to...

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7 Secrets for Successfully Leading Leaders

7 Secrets for Successfully Leading Leaders

One of my favourite leadership quotes comes from John Quincy Adams who defined a leader as someone whose “actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more.” When we first step into leadership we develop a certain skillset that helps others...

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What’s your Leadership Development Strategy?

What’s your Leadership Development Strategy?

Do you have a strategy for developing the leaders at your company? Is there a plan for your personal leadership development? You might have a strategy for the business, but this is not the same thing. The current estimate is that 36% of businesses do NOT have a...

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Are you dreading the strategic planning process?

Are you dreading the strategic planning process?

Have you begun thinking about what next year will bring for you, your team, and your organization? Perhaps you’re part way through a 3-5 year strategic plan and are not ready to take on a new direction quite yet. But if you are thinking about your strategy for the...

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The Secret to Writing Executable Goals

The Secret to Writing Executable Goals

There is nothing like the feeling of achieving a very important goal. When you’ve been working on something for a while, and you have given it your all, successful completion is something to celebrate. While there is a psychological aspect that we need to understand...

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What Games Did You Play As A Child?

What Games Did You Play As A Child?

This 'what games' question is one of my favourites to ask when people are stuck trying to figure out their natural gifts and talents.  You see, as children we typically know who we are and what we want to do.  We haven't yet (hopefully) been molded and cajoled by the...

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