Organizational Health Consulting
Your competitive advantage is your people and your culture.
Organizational health should be your key priority.

If you want to make significant improvements in your business and your culture, we can help. Through our organizational health projects, we can work with you to focus your leadership team on what matters most to the business right now. Designed to help the leadership team become more cohesive, the organization benefits from less confusion, more productivity, higher morale and reduced turnover.
Customized Solutions for Immediate Impact
While on the project, leaders will spend time together focusing on team development and cohesion, addressing personal and business issues, diagnosing and fixing political and silo challenges, and making marked improvements in productivity and morale.
It provides the opportunity for a leadership team to assess their organization's overall health, meaningfully improve their team's cohesiveness and alignment, and identify immediate actions to drive transformation. With less confusion and more cohesion, the team is more effective and more efficient and can drive organizational culture in the right direction to get desired results. The work done during this time will set you up with a culture of success that you can take into the future for years of sustainable success.
Cohesive Leadership Team
The first and most critical step in a healthy organization is creating a cohesive leadership team that is committed to doing the ongoing work of developing and maintaining a high-performing team and mastering the five behaviours outlined in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
Working with various tools the leadership team will spend time developing into a single cohesive unit. The result is more open and honest communication where conflict is embraced as a method to encourage robust discourse to find the best solutions for the business.
The team will do work based on New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni’s groundbreaking model for developing cohesive teams through five key behaviours: Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a cornerstone methodology for teamwork and organizational development.
Insightful Assessments
This process will have the team use various tools, beginning with the Team Assessment Report based on the 5 Dysfunctions of a Team. This report provides teams with practical, usable data that will help address their most critical issues and begin to make tangible progress right away.
The team will also complete the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is the most widely used personality inventory in the world, with more than 3.5 million assessments administered each year. Understanding personality types can radically improve team dynamics by presenting a clear picture of the strengths and facilitating a group dynamic based on trust.
The Six Types of Working Genius assessment is the fastest and simplest way to discover your natural gifts and thrive at work. The 10-minute assessment and custom report provides detailed insights about your areas of working genius, working competency and working frustration along with a robust application section that will help you leverage the information in your work, on your team and in your life.
Organizational Clarity
Creating clarity at the executive level is essential to building and maintaining a healthy organization. There are six simple but critical questions that need to be answered, eliminating all discrepancies among team members. The team will deeply explore these keys to organizational clarity and alignment and develop a communication plan to integrate them into the organizational culture.
The Process
Each project is unique but will follow a fairly typical process. To get things started, the design of the project will happen in conjunction with appropriate members of your team and ours.
Initiation Stage
Once the design of the project is determined, the project gets started with initial observations of the team in action. This is followed by the completion and analysis of various assessments, which will provide a starting point and a benchmark from which to measure success. Depending on the length of the project, assessments will be repeated multiple times for comparison and measurement.
Quarterly Off-Site Events
Depending on the length of the project, off-site events will be conducted quarterly. The first event is typically two days and gives the team the kickstart it needs to embrace a new philosophy of teamwork and gain clarity on business needs and direction. Real progress is made during this intensive experience, on individual, team and business level goals.
Subsequent events can be one or two days depending on objectives and can easily be embedded into the current strategic planning process.
Consulting Support
Ongoing executive support through coaching sessions ensures that high-performance behaviours are effectively implemented and sustained in order to actually change the culture.
Project Completion
The project typically concludes with one of the quarterly off-site events, where measures of success are identified and plans for the continued success of the team are created. This will include the process for driving the change across and down through the organization to the individual contributor level.