Creating an environment that energizes people's heads, hands and hearts.
You can buy people's heads and hands with a paycheque but you cannot buy their heart; it must be earned. Successful companies know that when employees are emotionally connected to the work they do and the people they do it for, productivity and profitability soar.
Successful companies know that when employees are emotionally connected to the work they do and the people they do it for, productivity and profitability soar. Learn how much disengagement is actually costing you and explore the connection between employee engagement and customer loyalty. Learn what contributes to engagement and what causes it to erode. Delve into the world of motivation and come up with a plan to move people up the levels of initiative so they can become more engaged.
Leaders will learn:
- What is engagement?
- Define employee engagement
- What is discretionary effort
- Why do we want emotional attachment to the job and/or company
- Why engagement is important
- What it means to the business
- How it connects to customer loyalty
- Causes of disengagement
- What causes disengagement?
- Can it be fixed?
- Contributing factors to disengagement in our environment
- Understand the critical relationship between the supervisor and the employee; it’s the one thing that changes everything
- Drivers of engagement
- Job factors
- Personal factors
- Work factors
- The engagement equation
- How to increase employee engagement in the short term
- How to sustain employee engagement in the long-term
- How to help teammates and others reengage at work
- Calculate the cost of disengagement
- Use a standardized formula to estimate dollars lost at organizational and team levels
- Diagnose causes of disengagement
- Assess specific factors in current environment
- Create engagement plan
- Improve environmental factors
- Address concerns and challenges
- Assess leadership behaviour changes