Motivating people to do their best and inspiring them to be their best.
Developing leaders and getting them ready to take on new challenges is a key part of your role and imperative to the success of your organization. How can you help people develop the competence, confidence and motivation and attitude that drives peak performance?
Develop leaders and get them ready to take on new challenges by developing competence, confidence, motivation and attitude that drive peak performance. Learn the 2 critical questions you must answer if you have any hope of managing performance. Determine what you need to do to ensure your team is capable of getting the job done. Discover how feedforward can rescue you from a feedback deficit. Discover what impacts peoples’ confidence and motivation and stops them from wanting to do a good job. Learn how you can get people to self-manage while building accountability into the team.
Leaders will learn:
- What is learner-based leadership?
- Understand follower-driven approaches to performance management
- Keys to working with different knowledge and skill levels
- Factors that drive an intuitive leadership process
- Diagnose learner levels
- Learning ladder as a foundation for leadership style
- Determine if they can do the job
- Determine if they will do the job
- Understand the power of self-diagnosis
- Recognize learner levels in common leader-follower situations
- Determine leadership behaviours
- Understand the difference between management and leadership behaviours
- Know how and when to use the right amount of each behaviour
- Recognize leader behaviours in common leader-follower situations
- Analyze current duties and responsibilities to assess the type of leadership behaviour you need
- Identify ways to approach your leader so you can ask for what you need
- Discuss self-diagnosis
- Understand key factors in your own diagnosis
- Determine what you need to be successful
- Communication keys when self-diagnosing
- Team analysis
- What do your followers need from you
- How will you give it to them
- Advanced situational analysis
- What to do if diagnosis levels don’t match
- What to do if followers regress backwards